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Saturday, August 21, 2010

My First Senior Sitting!

When my friend Theresa Pinkard asked me if I would do her daughter's senior portraits...I hesitated (and I never hesitate because I LOVE what I do!) But...I take pictures of children...and seniors are a whole different ballgame! I agreed and am so very excited that I did! I enjoyed myself so much, I think I got some great shots, and I am going to add that to the "list of things that I do"! I even added a seniors section on my website ( are a few samples...I hope you enjoy!

Cute huh?

Isn't this a great look!
 Caught her being silly and just LOVED how it turned out!

1 comment:

  1. heather, as your designer, i just wanted to say i love the look of your blog, but i love even more your talent for taking beautiful pictures! you have a gift! :)
