I started taking pictures as a hobby in 2000 when my nephew, Nathan, was born. God began to develop within me a unique ability to capture magical moments of precious children and their families.
James 1:17 says, "Every good and perfect gift is from above." That is precisely why I chose to begin Heather's Photography with my first professional sitting in April of 2001. Each child and family that I work with is truly a gift from God. A way that I can honor God is by capturing and displaying His beautiful creation of children and families.
The family that I am most proud of is that of my own. I am married to Rusty Bryant, and we are the proud parents of two handsome boys that truly are gifts from God. Luke was born in 2002, and Logan joined the family in 2006. I can never express how thankful I am for my wonderful family.
I am excited about the opportunity to serve you and your family. I can honestly say that I receive as much joy as you do when I am able to capture that special moment of your child or family.